Little Mermaid, 1975









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Memories, Letters and Publicity

Those of you who remember the mid-seventies will recall the “three day week” when  the coal miners  went on strike. The government was forced to restrict electrical supply to specified hours per day.  We knew our power would be lost between 7-9pm but, nothing daunted, we rigged temporary floodlights using 12 volt car batteries which at least gave some illumination. The audience were asked to bring torches – not especially for seeing the show, but to find their way around the bars and toilets during the interval.

We didn’t reckon with some gentlemen in the audience who, each time the deliciously leggy principal boy (Sue Anker) appeared, would train the beams of their torches onto her legs!! See her photo in the gallery above, and all will become clear . . .

The Banbury Guardian’s theatre critic, Gerry Steer, annotated this press clipping for us. He was very talented (if sometimes rather fiery!) and produced two shows here at the Grange (although never appeared in one) as well as a number of others for Banbury Cross Players as producer and often as an actor. Very talented.